Xelon Blog

The Cloud continues to gain momentum. However, more and more concerns regarding control over data...

January 22, 2024


Simon Kilchmann

Simon Kilchmann

techie turned full-stack marketeer, develops the best ideas under pressure, loves acquiring new skills, hates buzzwords like "agile", goes crazy about his hockey team (in a positive sense) and marketing bullshiting (in a not-so-positive sense). friendly advice: don't talk with him on Monday mornings.


Featured Posts

Hybrid cloud solutions are becoming increasingly popular. In this blog post, we will explain what a...

September 28, 2023

3 mins read

Platform as a Service (PaaS) plays a crucial role in the development of dynamic and creative...

September 27, 2023

2 mins read

Cloud services are becoming increasingly important in the IT landscape of businesses....

September 21, 2023

2 mins read

Simon Kilchmann

Simon Kilchmann

techie turned full-stack marketeer, develops the best ideas under pressure, loves acquiring new skills, hates buzzwords like "agile", goes crazy about his hockey team (in a positive sense) and marketing bullshiting (in a not-so-positive sense). friendly advice: don't talk with him on Monday mornings.

Our Virtual Datacenter or vDC for short is the all-purpose weapon for Swiss...

2 min

When we look after new resellers or partners, one question is bound to come up:...

For access to your IPMI you will receive a secure VPN access from us. After...

We constantly speak of the Virtual Datacenter or vDC. The term can be...

articles around the new EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) or...

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Stay up to date! We will inform you whenever we publish a new post from the Xelon, It or Business world

Our Virtual Datacenter or vDC for short is the all-purpose weapon for Swiss companies to take the...

October 31, 2019

When we look after new resellers or partners, one question is bound to come up: And what about...

April 8, 2019

IPMI access via VPN

1 mins read

For access to your IPMI you will receive a secure VPN access from us. After establishing the VPN...

January 10, 2019

We constantly speak of the Virtual Datacenter or vDC. The term can be interpreted relatively freely...

September 4, 2018

articles around the new EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) or sprout from the ground...

April 10, 2018

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